You don't have to be a seasoned yogi to benefit from yoga. Even one simple yoga pose can be a real game changer for you. Shoulder stand(Sarvangasana) in particular is considered by many as queen of yoga.
Yoga expert Lisa Mitchell has 10 reasons why you shoulder stand should become a part of your daily routine:
1. Balances hormones: Sarvangasana balances the thyroid and hypothalamus glands, allowing for proper hormone production.
2. Strengthens the heart and respiratory system: Due to the fact that the body is in an inverted position, shoulderstand reduces strain on the heart. Healthy blood can easily circulate around the neck and chest, and as a result, people with asthma, bronchitis and throat ailments may get relief.
3. Combats the common cold: Continued practice of this asana eradicates common colds and other nasal disturbances.
4. Soothes the nervous system: This pose has a soothing effect on the parasympathetic nervous system. Therefore, those easily irritated, or prone to anger or nervous breakdowns can be stabilized and less reactive to life’s circumstances.
5. Reduces constipation: The change in gravitational pull on the body affects the abdominal organs so that the bowels move freely and constipation is relieved.
6. Increased strength and flexibility: Shoulderstand strengthens the upper body, legs and abdomen. The posture opens the chest and stretches the neck, shoulders and upper back muscles.
7. Decreases varicose veins: Shoulderstand assist in draining old blood from the legs, pelvis and abdominal area, therefore reducing varicose veins.
8. Stimulates the Visuddah (Throat Chakra): Shoulderstand ignites the fifth chakra, which is associated with creativityand self-expression. When this chakra is open, our negative experiences can easily be transformed into wisdom and learning.
9. Reduces wrinkles: Due to increased blood flow to the face, wrinkles can be reduced. In addition, many practitioners notice an improved complexion with a consistent shoulderstand practice.
10. Aides in restful sleep: Shoulderstand promotes deep sleep and can assist in providing rest for people with insomnia.