Begin with incorporating these three simple changes into your life to give your immune system the boost it needs to keep you healthy and safe, during flu season and beyond.
Get Plenty of Sleep
While everyone is a little different, most scientists suggest getting between seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Your body needs those for rest and recovery. Not only does getting a full eight hours of sleep help you feel clear and focused for the next day, but it also gives your immune system time to reboot and recharge. Countless studies have correlated sleep and improved immune function.
In one such study, the scientists were able to focus on T-cells––which contribute to the body’s immune response by identifying and directly killing infected host cells, as well as activating other immune cells in the process. The scientists found that getting sleep was directly linked with improved T-cell function.
Eat a Colorful Diet
While you can always splurge for the occasional burger, pizza or hot wings––you need to keep it in moderation. Give your immune system the tools it needs to fight infection by ensuring your diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables––specifically immune-boosting foods like citrus, red bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, ginger and leafy greens.
As a simple rule of thumb, eat a colorful diet. Vibrantly colored fruits and vegetables are generally the richest in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.
Take Vitamins to Help Your Immune System
To cover your bases, start by taking a daily multivitamin and mineral complexes that will contain among others time proven immunity boosters as vitamin D, vitamin C and Zink.
While we normally get our Vitamin D from the sun, that’s harder to do during winter. And with studies showing that low levels of vitamin D have been associated with a greater risk of developing respiratory conditions, a vitamin D supplement is a good idea. Zinc is another great immune fighter and studies have shown that increased concentrations of zinc can inhibit the replication of viruses.
Remember that taking a super dose of any one vitamin will not give you “super-immunity.” Instead, focus on avoiding nutrient deficiencies in any one area, eating healthy and getting plenty of sleep.