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Why do you need short daily micro-workouts


Why do you need short daily micro-workouts
Aside from my own practical experience with short daily workouts that sometimes take no more than a few minutes, the scientific evidence has been demonstrating that such small amounts of movement can have a bigger effect than researchers had previously dreamed of. In a recent analysis of seven studies that looked at the health effect of micro amounts of physical activity, as little as a 2-5 minute walk after a meal had a measurable impact on blood sugar and insulin levels.

Short bursts are great for your metabolism.
Filling your day with exercise breaks that mildly stress your muscles gives you a health benefits in a somewhat different way. Although five-mile run is way more effective than a couple of two-minute walks, but short daily bodyweight workouts of different kinds are super effective for both conditioning and fast improvement of body composition. The cumulative strength-building effect could turn out to be greater than a three weekly weight-lifting sessions at the gym. And keeping your muscles toned is essential to countering the muscle-wasting that occurs in old age when muscles are left unattended (sarcopenia). So, not only is maintaining your muscle mass good for your metabolism (muscle burns more glucose at rest than fat tissue), it’s essential for helping your body fend off frailty and preserve quality of life, for as long as possible (aka your ‘healthspan’). It could well determine whether your “golden years” are really so golden, as in, can you get in and out of a chair without assistance?